Nie absolviert , aber blufftete bei Bewerbungen
Rausgefunden nachdem Arbeitgeber BrainChain entdeckte
Absolviert, aber nicht ausgewählt
Jetzt Schlauköpfe improvisieren am Arbeitsplatz

Die unverlangten Rückmeldungen, die wir bekommen, bestärken uns.
Da wir die zahlreichen Perlen nicht für uns behalten möchten,
haben wir unten die schönsten für Sie zusammengestellt.
So sehr wir uns auch über Lob freuen, bitte zögern Sie nicht,
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Nutzen Sie dazu den Kontaktbereich.
Tatsächlich ist uns kritisches Feedback sogar besonders wichtig,
da es entscheidend zum Wachstum der BrainChain-Plattform beiträgt.



I wish this tool had existed decades ago. Lots of people from my country emigrate and it always a mess getting our diploma’s recognized abroad.



My university hasn’t joined yet, but I hope it will soon and open our country up to the world. Here’s their contacts (…).



I migrated to the US, but coming from Africa it is bliss to share a platform with Western Universities. This is key for African Talent Mobility.

Vielen Organisationen fehlt es an Mitteln syste-
matisch Abschlüsse von Bewerbern zu überprüfen
Ihrer auch?
BrainChain tut genau das –
für den Preis eines Cappuccinos!


We never considered systematically vetting everyone we hire, at best we did so for our C-level staff.
But with this tool, at this cost, we ran out of excuses!


Ltd, UK

Like anybody else I guess, we have no clue about foreign universities, yet people applying with us do so from anywhere.
With BrainChain we can at long last hire without blindly ignoring this risk.


Recruiter, US & DE

With the sheer volume of CVs landing at our desks on daily basis, we would have needed a dedicated team just for vetting all claims made in those CVs. Thanks to BrainChain, this is now automated and we can recommend people to our end-clients without taking irresponsible risks at their expense.

Sie haben ihren Teil getan und
sich ihre Abschlüsse hart erarbeitet
Jetzt ist es an uns,
ihre Zeugnisse abzusichern!
(counting on our discretion)

University, Africa

In our region, we are one of the finest universities, but to keep up with that level, our accreditations do not come cheap. So not only were we loosing a lot of money -we’ve seen countless Photoshopped variants of our diplomas-, the worse part is that those people destroy our reputation! This matters most us; it is all we have and invest in, over multiple generations, to get to this level.

(counting on our discretion)

University, EU

In Europe, the situation of my university is we have hundreds of foreign universities 200km from here in any direction.
None sharing the same platform to recognise our alumni’s degrees. As University, we are ill-placed to provide a solution to that problem -happily ignoring the fact we’d never even get budget for it; this falls way outside our core business!
So we are grateful someone else picked this up. And managed to implement SUCH an easy tool to use.

(counting on our discretion)

University, US

The tool complements our internal ICT tools blissfully and integrating it was a breeze. We could train our people in under 3 hours and never looked back. The fact we actually make money by joining BrainChain is brilliant and so we decided, aligning with BrainChain’s very spirit, to use this money every year to address another orphaned problem at our university that never got the attention it deserved.